
Snap, Crackle, Pop!

Have a safe and happy 4th of July with these helpful tips...
  • Keep the alcoholic drinks to those humans over the age of 21.  Alcoholic beverages have the potential to be poisonous and can cause Fido to become intoxicated, weak, and/or severely depressed.  Alcohol has been known to even put dogs into a coma or cause death from respiratory failure.
  • As tempting as a taste of BBQ off the grill may be to Fido, a change in diet can cause indigestion and diarrhea, especially in older pets.  And don't forget foods such as onions, chocolate, coffee, avocado, grapes and raisins, salt and yeast dough can be toxic to your furry family member.
  • The summer sun can be harmful to Fido.  Applying a sunscreen that is approved for use on animals can help protect Fido from harmful ultraviolet rays.  Check out Sun Spray Sunscreen for Dogs at your local dog boutique.  The use and ingestion of human sunscreen can cause drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy. 
  • Those pesky insect are a painful nuisance to you and Fido but the the misuse of insect repellent that contains DEET can lead to serious neurological problems for your pup.  Look for natural alternatives without harmful chemicals or DEET.  Ark Natural Neem Protection Spray uses a natural tree oil to help repel those nasty little insects from Fido.
  • Keep citronella candles, insect coils and oil products out of reach from Fido.  Ingestions of these can produce stomach irritation and possible central nervous system depression.  If inhaled, the oils could cause aspiration pneumonia in pets.
  • Keep the fireworks to the humans only.  Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns and/or trauma to a curious Fido, even unused fireworks can pose a danger.  Many types of fireworks contain potentially toxic substances, including potassium nitrate, arsenic and other heavy metals. 
  • Matches and lighter fluid oh my...Certain types of matches contain chlorates, which can damage blood cells and result in difficulty breathing or even kidney disease in severe cases.  Lighter fluid can irritate Fido's skin and ingestion can produce gastrointestinal irritation and central nervous system depression. 
  • As much as Fido may want to join in the fun, resist the urge to take him/her along to Independence Day festivities.  Keep Fido safe and feeling secure from the noise in a quiet, familiar, sheltered and especially escape-proof area at home.
  • Kids may love playing with and wearing glow jewelry, Fido should be kept away from the luminescent substance in these products.  Not highly toxic but can cause excessive drooling and gastrointestinal irritation and the risk of intestinal blockage can occur if large pieces of the plastic container are swallowed.


Happy Valentine's Day

Make Valentine's Day safe for your furry four legged loved one...
  • Remove all dangerous flora from any flower arrangement, especially any species of lily that are potentially fatal to cats.
  • Don't leave chocolate out for chowhounds to find.
  • Make sure to drink that last sip of wine, champagne or liquor. Even a little bit of alcohol can do a lot of harm should your furry friend lap it up.
  • Keep Fido away from treats sweetened with xylitol (most gum and candy).  This sweetener can result in a sudden drop in blood sugar.
  • Every rose has a thorn and thorns can be dangerous if chewed, swallowed or stepped on.  
  • Don't forget to gather up all the ribbons, bows, wrapping paper, cellophane and balloons.  They may look fun to play with but could cause problems if swallowed. 


Happy New Year!

Fido's New Year Resolutions...
I will recognize the difference between furniture and fire hydrants.
I will not bark each time I hear a door bell on TV.
I will introduce myself in more appropriate ways.
I will stay out of the cat's litter box.
I will try not to steal food off the table.
I will remember to shake before coming into the house when it is raining outside.

Have a safe and happy new year!


Dog Heroes

To all the heroic pups who served their country following the terrorist attachs on September 11, 2001 and who continue to serve whenever and wherever needed. 


Ready For Some Football?

With the 3rd ranked Oregon Ducks and the 4th ranked LSU Tigers playing tomorrow, and the New Orleans Saints taking on the Super Bowl Champs the Green Bay Packers on September 8th, we couldn't be more ready for football season. Is your pup wearing his/her favorite sports team? Watch for bentley B vintage sports tees coming soon to www.bentleyB.com. Email info@bentleyB.com to request your team.



Fido may have to stay home while you enjoy the Mexican Riviera, but he doesn't have to miss the fiesta! Find these and other food inspired plush toys at Doggie Couture Shop, Posh Puppy Boutique and many other boutiques.


Fido Goes Boating

Keep you pup safe and happy while enjoy summer boating activities with the family with these helpful tips:

• Don’t assume all pups can swim and even those that can, may not be great swimmers. Always keep you pup in a life jacket (personal floating device). You can find life jackets designed just for Fido at many pet boutiques including these online boutiques Bitch New York, Doggie Couture Shop, Posh Puppy Boutique and Rock Star Puppy.

• Always have fresh drinking water available for your pup to keep them hydrated. Don’t be afraid to force your pup to drink water as they lose a fair amount of body fluid when they pant.

• Just like humans, excessive sun exposure can cause heat problems for Fido like sun stroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion. Provide a shaded area for your pup with plenty of water. An occasional dip in the water will help keep them cool.

• If your boat surface allows, designate a place for Fido to relieve himself on the boat. This will help to eliminate stepping in a surprise and make it easier to clean up. If you boat has carpet, make sure to make a pit stop to let your pup go ashore to relieve himself.

If Fido is going boating for the first time, make the outing on the water short to allow him to acclimate himself to the boat movement. Let your pup get acquainted with the boat while still on the trailer or in the dock. Let them wear their life jacket and explore the boat.

Not all dogs enjoy the boating experience but for those who do make it a safe and enjoyable. For more information about boat safety and pet life jackets, visit your local Coast Guard Unit or the Auxiliary.