
Happy New Year!

Fido's New Year Resolutions...
I will recognize the difference between furniture and fire hydrants.
I will not bark each time I hear a door bell on TV.
I will introduce myself in more appropriate ways.
I will stay out of the cat's litter box.
I will try not to steal food off the table.
I will remember to shake before coming into the house when it is raining outside.

Have a safe and happy new year!


Dog Heroes

To all the heroic pups who served their country following the terrorist attachs on September 11, 2001 and who continue to serve whenever and wherever needed. 


Ready For Some Football?

With the 3rd ranked Oregon Ducks and the 4th ranked LSU Tigers playing tomorrow, and the New Orleans Saints taking on the Super Bowl Champs the Green Bay Packers on September 8th, we couldn't be more ready for football season. Is your pup wearing his/her favorite sports team? Watch for bentley B vintage sports tees coming soon to www.bentleyB.com. Email info@bentleyB.com to request your team.



Fido may have to stay home while you enjoy the Mexican Riviera, but he doesn't have to miss the fiesta! Find these and other food inspired plush toys at Doggie Couture Shop, Posh Puppy Boutique and many other boutiques.


Fido Goes Boating

Keep you pup safe and happy while enjoy summer boating activities with the family with these helpful tips:

• Don’t assume all pups can swim and even those that can, may not be great swimmers. Always keep you pup in a life jacket (personal floating device). You can find life jackets designed just for Fido at many pet boutiques including these online boutiques Bitch New York, Doggie Couture Shop, Posh Puppy Boutique and Rock Star Puppy.

• Always have fresh drinking water available for your pup to keep them hydrated. Don’t be afraid to force your pup to drink water as they lose a fair amount of body fluid when they pant.

• Just like humans, excessive sun exposure can cause heat problems for Fido like sun stroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion. Provide a shaded area for your pup with plenty of water. An occasional dip in the water will help keep them cool.

• If your boat surface allows, designate a place for Fido to relieve himself on the boat. This will help to eliminate stepping in a surprise and make it easier to clean up. If you boat has carpet, make sure to make a pit stop to let your pup go ashore to relieve himself.

If Fido is going boating for the first time, make the outing on the water short to allow him to acclimate himself to the boat movement. Let your pup get acquainted with the boat while still on the trailer or in the dock. Let them wear their life jacket and explore the boat.

Not all dogs enjoy the boating experience but for those who do make it a safe and enjoyable. For more information about boat safety and pet life jackets, visit your local Coast Guard Unit or the Auxiliary.


Snap, Crackle, Pop

As we are looking forward to a long 4th of July weekend, Fido might not be. Holiday fireworks are often a frightful experience for dogs. Here are a few helpful tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable 4th of July weekend for both you and your pup.

• Leave Fido at home if attending activities where fireworks will be set off.

• Exercise Fido really well before leaving home for any festivities. A tired pup is more relaxed when left home alone.

• Keep Fido indoors in a quiet area. Leave the television or radio playing at a normal volume to keep your pup company while you our enjoying the 4th of July festivities.

• Never leave Fido outside unattended, even in a fenced yard or on a chain. When frighten, pets that normally wouldn’t leave their yard may escape and become lost.

• Make sure Fido is wearing an identification tag and/or microchip so that if they do become lost, they can be returned promptly.

• Should Fido become frightened, instead of cuddling a scared pup, try distracting him with playing with a toy.

• Should you pup have extreme anxiety with loud noises, consult your vet about the possibility of medication to help him with his anxiety.

Have a fun and safe 4th of July weekend!


Will Work for Treats

Today marks the 12th annual Take Your Dog To Work Day (TYDTWDay), created to celebrate the great companions dogs make and to encourage their adoption from humane societies, animal shelters and breed rescue clubs.  The annual event asks pet lovers to celebrate the humane-canine bond and promote pet adoption by encouraging their employers to support TYDTWDay by allowing employees’ four-legged family members to join them at work.  Send us a photo of your pup at work and we may posted it in our next blog post, bentleyBarks@gmail.com.


Furry Travelers Take to the Friendly Skies

Thousands of pets take to the friendly skies each year. While smaller pups can fly in the cabin, larger pooches can fly comfortably in the pressurized cargo of the aircraft. Before your furry traveler takes to the sky, here are some important tips:

• Update your pet’s microchip contact information, including temporary contact information where you can be reached during your vacation.

• Purchase an IATA compliant pet carrier crate in which Fido can comfortable stand, lie down and turn around.

• Make sure your pet’s collar tag will not be caught in the carrier doors. Fido’s tag should include name, phone number and microchip number. As an extra precaution, attach a second tag with the destination address and contact information.

• Attach a photo of Fido to the outside of the create. Also include name, contact information of your destination. Carry a photo of your pet with you.

• Within 10 days of travel, obtain a health certificate from your vet, including an update on vaccinations.

• Bring a copy of your pet’s medical records.

• Travel with a pooch’s first aid kit.

• Bring any medications, including some for anxiety, diarrheal and motion sickness.

• Take along fresh water. For longer flights, attach a small pouch of dry food to the outside of the carrier.

• Select direct flights to minimize exposure to extreme temperatures or stress of siting in the cargo hold.

• Always remain on the same flight as your pet. Let the airline personnel know that you are traveling with your pooch.

• Make sure to review the airline’s guidelines for additional travel requirements. Another great resource is www.pettravel.com/airline_rules.cfm.


Fido's Food Cart

Who doesn’t love a good food cart for a quick bite?  We believe Fido deserves the same yummy experience…and the awesome folks at Bocce’s Baker couldn’t agree more.  The all-natural, organic dog biscuit company is bringing The Biscuit Bike to the streets of NYC.  Fido can select from yummy healthy treats featuring flavors like Beef Bourguinon, PBnJ, Grandma’s Apple Pie.  There will also be plenty of refreshments to keep him/her hydrated while socializing at dog-runs all over the city, including Central Park, Washington Square Park, Union Square and Battery Park.  If you are in NYC you can track down the fido friendly food cart through twitter.  We are so jealous of our NYC pooches. 



It’s music fest time and our fav furry boho fashionistas show us how it is done. 

These items can be found at Bitch New York, Doggie Couture Shop, Posh Puppy Boutique, Rockstar Puppy and other boutiques that carry bentley B.


The 70s Are Back

Your pup can now rock the latest fashion trend with these handmade 70s inspired alpaca ponchos.  They are a must have this spring.  Find these and other styles at Bitch New York, Doggie Couture Shop, and Posh Puppy Boutique.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Here are a few helpful tips to make your pup’s St. Patrick’s Day a happy one…

• Alcohol is toxic for pets so no matter how much they might beg for your green colored beer, don’t give in. Your pup can join the festivities with beer that is safe for dogs, like Dog Beer or Bowser Beer.

• Keep your pup from getting pinched by dressing them up in a cute Irish costume or tshirt. If thinking of dying your pup green for the day, make sure to use non-toxic, all-natural vegetable dye.

• All the parades, bars and parties can be very overwhelming and even hazardous to your pup. Keep your afternoon walks to quieter streets and away from crowded areas of the city. If you are hosting a party, keep you pup in a room away from the action so they can relax and remain safe.


Pop Culture Phenomenon

Pez Candy…a hot collectible, a pop culture phenomenon! For over 80 years kids and adults alike have enjoyed the interactive candy that is both yummy to eat and fun to play with.  Now Fido gets to enjoy an American classic, Pez for Pets!


Be Mine

A really good reason not to share your box of chocolates…
Chocolate is toxic and can be fatal for your pooch. Cacao beans contain theobromine that can stimulate the central nervous and cardiovascular system and increase heart rate and blood pressure in animals. There is no specific antidote for theobromine toxicity. Treatment is supportive and may include IV fluid, induce vomiting, use of activated charcoal or in more serious cases anti-seizure and/or cardiac medication to reduce tremors and regulate heart rates. Signs of chocolate toxicity are most commonly seen within 12 hours or less. Signs of chocolate toxicity include:
• Excitement, nervousness and trembling
• Vomiting and diarrhea
• Excessive thirst and urination
• Muscle spasms and seizures
• Coma and death


Neighborhood Nasties

Your pup will love playing with these neighborhood nasties.  Meet Scratchy the flea, Shoo the blowfly and Achey the heart worm from Fuzz Yard.  (Available online at Trixie & Peanut.) 


Who doesn't love a cupcake?

If you pup loves carrots, they will love this carrot cake dog cupcake with cheese cream icing. Can we get a ruff ruff!

Cupcake Ingredients:
• 2 cups shredded carrots
• 3 eggs
• 1/2 cup applesauce, unsweetened
• 2 tsp cinnamon
• 3 cups whole wheat flour

Cupcake Instructions:
• Preheat oven to 350° F
• Lightly spray cups of muffin tin.
• In a large bowl stir together the carrots, eggs and applesauce. Set aside.
• In another medium bowl whisk together the cinnamon, oats and flour.
• Slowly mix in the dry ingredients. Stir until well blended.
• Spoon mixture into muffin tin. The dough will be thick, so you may wet your fingers to press the dough into place.
• The dog cupcake will not rise very much, so do not worry about over filling the muffin tin.
• Bake for 25 minutes.
• Cool completely on a wire rack before frosting or serving.

Frosting Ingredients:
• 8 oz low fat cream cheese, softened
• 1/4 cup applesauce, unsweetened

Frosting Instructions:
• Blend both ingredients with a hand mixer until well blended.
• Spoon into a pastry bag for easy decorating.

Storing: These dog cupcakes will keep fresh in your refrigerator for 2 weeks. You can freeze them for up to 2 months. If you are going to freeze them, do not decorate with the frosting until they have thawed.

(This free receipt is from Dog Treat Kitchen.)


All You Need Is Love

John Lennon’s crisp white suite worn for the cover of the 1965 Beatles record album “Abby Road” sold at a Connecticut auction for $46,000.  The Beatles sell over 2 million iTunes in a week. Beatles fan unite to save Ringo Starr’s childhood home.  ‘A Day In The Life’ lyric sheet sells for $1.2 million.  What is it about the Beatles that we just can’t get enough of?  We love them…   (Beatle dog tshirts, www.bentleyB.com)