
Snap, Crackle, Pop

As we are looking forward to a long 4th of July weekend, Fido might not be. Holiday fireworks are often a frightful experience for dogs. Here are a few helpful tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable 4th of July weekend for both you and your pup.

• Leave Fido at home if attending activities where fireworks will be set off.

• Exercise Fido really well before leaving home for any festivities. A tired pup is more relaxed when left home alone.

• Keep Fido indoors in a quiet area. Leave the television or radio playing at a normal volume to keep your pup company while you our enjoying the 4th of July festivities.

• Never leave Fido outside unattended, even in a fenced yard or on a chain. When frighten, pets that normally wouldn’t leave their yard may escape and become lost.

• Make sure Fido is wearing an identification tag and/or microchip so that if they do become lost, they can be returned promptly.

• Should Fido become frightened, instead of cuddling a scared pup, try distracting him with playing with a toy.

• Should you pup have extreme anxiety with loud noises, consult your vet about the possibility of medication to help him with his anxiety.

Have a fun and safe 4th of July weekend!


Will Work for Treats

Today marks the 12th annual Take Your Dog To Work Day (TYDTWDay), created to celebrate the great companions dogs make and to encourage their adoption from humane societies, animal shelters and breed rescue clubs.  The annual event asks pet lovers to celebrate the humane-canine bond and promote pet adoption by encouraging their employers to support TYDTWDay by allowing employees’ four-legged family members to join them at work.  Send us a photo of your pup at work and we may posted it in our next blog post, bentleyBarks@gmail.com.


Furry Travelers Take to the Friendly Skies

Thousands of pets take to the friendly skies each year. While smaller pups can fly in the cabin, larger pooches can fly comfortably in the pressurized cargo of the aircraft. Before your furry traveler takes to the sky, here are some important tips:

• Update your pet’s microchip contact information, including temporary contact information where you can be reached during your vacation.

• Purchase an IATA compliant pet carrier crate in which Fido can comfortable stand, lie down and turn around.

• Make sure your pet’s collar tag will not be caught in the carrier doors. Fido’s tag should include name, phone number and microchip number. As an extra precaution, attach a second tag with the destination address and contact information.

• Attach a photo of Fido to the outside of the create. Also include name, contact information of your destination. Carry a photo of your pet with you.

• Within 10 days of travel, obtain a health certificate from your vet, including an update on vaccinations.

• Bring a copy of your pet’s medical records.

• Travel with a pooch’s first aid kit.

• Bring any medications, including some for anxiety, diarrheal and motion sickness.

• Take along fresh water. For longer flights, attach a small pouch of dry food to the outside of the carrier.

• Select direct flights to minimize exposure to extreme temperatures or stress of siting in the cargo hold.

• Always remain on the same flight as your pet. Let the airline personnel know that you are traveling with your pooch.

• Make sure to review the airline’s guidelines for additional travel requirements. Another great resource is www.pettravel.com/airline_rules.cfm.


Fido's Food Cart

Who doesn’t love a good food cart for a quick bite?  We believe Fido deserves the same yummy experience…and the awesome folks at Bocce’s Baker couldn’t agree more.  The all-natural, organic dog biscuit company is bringing The Biscuit Bike to the streets of NYC.  Fido can select from yummy healthy treats featuring flavors like Beef Bourguinon, PBnJ, Grandma’s Apple Pie.  There will also be plenty of refreshments to keep him/her hydrated while socializing at dog-runs all over the city, including Central Park, Washington Square Park, Union Square and Battery Park.  If you are in NYC you can track down the fido friendly food cart through twitter.  We are so jealous of our NYC pooches.